Use Cases
Over half of all job applicants are specifically looking for roles where they can “do what they do best”. Meseekna’s technology can enable your organization at every stage of talent development to identify where an employee will have the greatest opportunity to do their best work.
Discover talent who can bring the most skill to your team with the perfect cultural fit.
Streamline your recruiting process with an efficient and effective assessment that meets your organizational needs while providing valuable data on candidates.
Trade past metrics of success for an end-to-end assessment of situational performance that looks forward and pin-points indicators of far-reaching potential.
Boost the success rate of each decision-maker on your team by streamlining a reliable and replicable process with scientifically-proven results.
Focus on the cognitive cultural add rather than the “cultural fit” and design diverse organizational evolution with a fine-tuned lens.
Guarantee the best person is on the job, every time.
Give your employees the best opportunities for growth internally by seamlessly pairing employee strengths with organizational needs.
Optimize data with a bias free baseline, making people decisions based in real world performance to produce the most successful outcome for each candidate.
Whether you’re looking for leadership or execution skills, know exactly which employees excel in your specific measures and how they’d manage any transition.
Cut out excessive new hire costs and use insight on top talent within the organization to increase the long-term success of critical role placement.
Get the best performance results from your team.
Assign tasks and delegate responsibility with a quantitative approach to understanding your internal organizational dynamics.
Understand individual decision making styles and how they create team behavior with accurate, actionable insights.
Know what each member of your team is focused on learning- and more importantly, understand how they are progressing and where you can support them.
Assign team members to the roles and responsibilities they are best suited for.