Focus On "How" and Not "What"
The "what" of personality and skill offers a static snapshot of the past, which fails to predict future professional performance. Focus on "how" talent prioritizes and makes decisions, so you can depend more on real-world capability and less on qualifications impacted by socio-economic or systemic barriers.
Accurately Compare Candidates
Simplify choosing the right candidate with objective insight from the same quasi-experimental simulation technology pioneered in social psychology research. Assessment results for measures like Strategic Approach or Empathetic Communication upgrade the subjective information from resumes and evaluations.
Increase Diversity to Boost Performance
Priority of complimentary mental frameworks over similar perspectives creates more opportunities for every team member to operate in their strengths. As the prerequisite to an effective and inclusive organization, investment in cognitive diversity empowers talent to be their most efficient, productive, and fulfilled.
Quantify Your Company Culture Add
Identify the top performing talent with skill-set profiles that both match the needs of your organization and add fresh perspectives. The key to organizational innovation and progress lies within the unexpected and unfamiliar. Company evolution begins with leaders actively searching for what they do not know and learn from their people.
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