How to Give and Receive Feedback

The ability to give and receive feedback is an essential component of professional success and personal growth. At Meseekna, we help individuals understand the optimal ways in which feedback can be structured and delivered to inform metacognitive growth.

Over five decades of research into human metacognition (our ability to think about our thinking) has shown us that there are five key elements to providing and receiving feedback:

  1. Understand The Goals of Feedback

    The first element is understanding the goals of feedback. Prior to providing feedback, it is important to have a clear understanding of the reason and desired impact of feedback. This will frame how the feedback is delivered and will be received.

  2. Choose The Timing of Feedback

    There are optimal time points to provide feedback which yield the best results. In order to find and utilize those time points successfully, a combination of emotional sensitivity, information management and strategy is required. An understanding of the interpersonal dynamic and goals is key to choosing the right moment for feedback.

  3. Approach The Situation With Multiple Perspectives

    A key determinant of good feedback is the ability to approach the situation with information that is diverse and robust. In giving feedback, it’s important to set the intention for the feedback, and gather information on the intention and execution of the individual’s action. In receiving feedback, it’s imperative to understand the intention of the feedback, and the perspective of the individual providing it.

  4. Follow Through & Follow Up

    Optimal feedback requires adequate follow up to ensure successful results. This follow up has several characteristics that mirror the situations around the initial feedback, including timing, frequency and context. Change takes time and patience.

  5. Reflect, reflect, reflect

    Feedback requires both parties to reflect on their role in giving or receiving feedback, how the process felt emotionally and cognitively, and how to successfully incorporate feedback into their professional relationship going forward.

These five steps can help make your next feedback session more productive and effective when implemented consistently and actively.

For more information on how Meseekna helps train managers to excel at these five steps, please contact us.


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