Empathetic Communication

Do you see employees supporting their peers through positive, encouraging comments and helpful feedback? Is your organizational culture characterized by kindness and warmth?

Empathetic Communication is characterized by high levels of articulate, meaningful, and effective transmission of feedback and other vital information to relevant personnel in the organization. High performers on this measure tend to have the ability to empower others and tend to be integral to their teams and organizations.

  • Individuals

    Individuals who are empathetic communicators are able to instill motivation in others, working to observe and understand how they work and how they interact with others. They have tact and timing when it comes to providing and receiving feedback, understanding that it is for the betterment of self; they also understand that some feedback is not worthwhile.

  • Teams

    Teams will effectively send and receive feedback simultaneously as their communication and teamwork improves. Sometimes more formal feedback is necessary because mistakes and decisions do not always align. Over time, as relationships are formed, and the aforementioned skills are improved, feedback becomes easier and more effective

  • Organizations

    Organizations can tap into empathetic communication to build relationships across all teams and their members. Being feedback-focused gives organizational leaders the opportunity to encourage their employees and help them improve personally and professionally. The organization is built on trust.


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